Carbon monoxide is a stealthy danger that is easy to forget about. Without a smell, taste or visible form, it often goes unnoticed. That’s why it’s important for all homes to get fitted with a working carbon monoxide detector.
Carbon monoxide can form in your home from a number of sources, especially if your home has gas appliances or heat and is tightly sealed for energy efficiency. Whenever fuel is burned and an appliance is not functioning properly or not ventilating quickly enough, the risk of carbon monoxide increases.
One way to prevent carbon monoxide from forming is to have your appliances and gas heat sources checked annually by a professional. You should also read up on safety guidelines when using generators, camp stoves and other portable appliances. It’s always important to take measures in your home to detect carbon monoxide, even if your appliances are functioning properly.
Think there might be a leak? Test kits are easy to find! Look for one that involves placing a detector badge near the area you believe there may be a leak. The badge changes colors quickly to show you if there are high levels of carbon monoxide. The badges are good for 90 days.
If you don’t already suspect carbon monoxide, you should still check routinely with an electric detector and have detectors with alarms installed near gas appliances. There are many options! You could select a traditional battery-powered device or even a “smart” detector that allows you to check levels remotely. Detectors let you see levels of carbon monoxide right on the screen and will set off an alarm if any dangerous gas is sensed. We suggest placing a detector on every level of your home.
Using a carbon monoxide detector in your home is a small step, but one that will give you and your family peace of mind. For more information and safety tips, check out this article from the National Fire Protection Association.